Spring Roots 2025 NCC Student Ministry
"Killing Comfort"
This Spring we will be talking about and challenging students to live out their Faith and step out of their comfort zone and into the will of the Father. We will also discuss not only living out our faith and stepping out of our comfort zone, but we will also be talking about when hard times come we find our comfort in Jesus!
12th - Kickoff: Potato Bar!!!
19th - Introduce Theme
26th - Joshua and Caleb: Your desire for comfort can lead to losing the blessings of God. Numbers 13:26-33 and Numbers 14:1-45
5th - Jonah: When God calls you out of your comfort zone, will you run? Jonah 1-4.
12th - Have faith when nobody else does, Peter walking on Water.
19th - Job remaining faithful in his discomfort.
26th - The bleeding Woman: Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to find your comforter, Christ.
2nd - Anderson Co. Spring Break Week (Cookout)
9th - Mission Night
16th - In times of struggle, find your comfort in the Father. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30.
23rd - Praise to the God of all Comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalms 27
30th - Last night of Roots Semester Wrap up.