2025 Spring Roots Class

The Revelation

by Terry Cooper

The Book of Revelation promises a blessing for all who will read it (Rev. 1:3) but most will not. Why? I think it's because they don't understand the main characters of The Revelation. This study will reveal the main characters of The Revelation in a week-by-week context. Twelve sessions revealing the twelve topics/characters of The Revelation. 

bible studies


2024 Fall Roots Class

Terry Cooper

Terry will begin by teaching 8 sessions on The Word from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Followed by 4 sessions about The Waiting. The Bible gives many warnings to the church in waiting...Do not be Deceived, Distracted, Dissuaded, Discouraged, or Disheartened in the time of waiting.

2024 Spring Roots Class

Terry Cooper

Heaven, Hell, and Three Questions

This 13-week Bible Study will spend 5 weeks discussing the wonders of heave. One week discussing the horrors and reality of hell, and seven weeks discussing the three questions they asked Jesus on the week that He went to the cross. When Will these things happen? What will be the sign of your coming/return? What is the sign of the end of the world/age?

The Appointed Times

2023 Fall Roots

Bible Study

with Terry Cooper

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From The Beginning To The End

2023 Spring SEMESTER